Doing a Job by Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, U.S. Navy, retired


Doing a Job

by Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, U.S. Navy, retired

In 1929 I attended the Columbia School of Engineering for postgraduate study in electrical engineering. Columbia was the first institution that encouraged me to think rather than memorize. My teachers were notable in that many had gained practical engineering experience outside the university and were able to share their experience with their students. I am grateful, among others, to Professors Morecroft, Hehre, and Arendt. Much of what I have subsequently learned and accomplished in engineering is based on the solid foundation of principles I learned from them. I am therefore especially gratified by your invitation to return and speak this evening.

In 1939 I became head of the electrical section of the Bureau of Ships. In this capacity I was responsible for the design, manufacture, and operation of the electrical equipment for the Navy as it rapidly expanded throughout World War II. Since 1947, after a year studying nuclear engineering at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, I have been responsible for the research, design, construction, and operation of the nuclear reactors and the propulsion machinery of the Navy’s nuclear-powered ships; also for the Shippingport, Pennsylvania, nuclear power station – the first commercial nuclear power plant.

In the course of my work, I have interviewed more than 14,000 recently graduated college students for jobs in my organization and in nuclear ships. In recent years a surprising number of applicants, even graduates of engineering schools and the Naval Academy, have become enamored with the study of management – some even majoring in this subject.

Almost without exception they are fluent in the jargon of systems analysis, financial manipulation, and quantitative management. They graduate convinced they have learned management techniques that will enable them to administer any job. Yet most seem to have an unrealistic perception of what is actually involved, with little appreciation of the importance of technical knowledge, experience, and hard work.

Many who teach management in our universities do their students and society a disservice. By focusing on the techniques of “modern management,” they promote the idea that by mastering a few simple principles of how to handle people and situations one can become a universal manager: capable of running any job without having to know much about the work to be managed.

Our factories and companies are increasingly being bought, sold, and operated by professional administrators, lawyers, and financial experts who have little understanding of their products, the technology involved, or the needs of customers. As these professional “managers” reach top corporate positions, others emulate them and avoid technical education in favor of management studies. In my opinion, our universities should emphasize the importance of a solid grounding in substantive learning and downgrade so-called management science.

What it takes to do a job will not be learned from management courses. It is principally a matter of experience, the proper attitude, and common sense – none of which can be taught in a classroom.

After a lifetime of work I conclude that what can be said about doing a job is hardly enough for one lecture, let alone an entire field of study. The key points of such a lecture I would summarize as follows:

Human experience shows that people, not organizations or management systems, get things done. For this reason subordinates must be given authority and responsibility early in their careers. In this way they develop quickly and can help the manager do his work. The manager, of course, remains ultimately responsible and must accept the blame if subordinates make mistakes.

As subordinates develop, work should be constantly added so that no one can finish his job. This serves as a prod and a challenge. It brings out their capabilities and frees the manager to assume added responsibilities. As members of the organization become capable of assuming new and more difficult duties, they develop pride in doing the job well. This attitude soon permeates the entire organization.

One must permit his people the freedom to seek added work and greater responsibility. In my organization, there are no formal job descriptions or organization charts. Responsibilities are defined in a general way, so that people are not circumscribed. All are permitted to do as they think best and to go to anyone and anywhere for help. Each person then is limited only by his own ability.

Complex jobs cannot be accomplished effectively with transients. Therefore, a manager must make the work challenging and rewarding so that his people will remain with the organization for many years. This allows it to benefit fully from their knowledge, experience, and corporate memory.

The Defense Department does not recognize the need for continuity in important jobs. It rotates officers every few years both at headquarters and in the field. The same applies to their civilian superiors.

This system virtually ensures inexperience and non-accountability. By the time an officer has begun to learn a job, it is time for him to rotate. Under this system, incumbents can blame their problems on predecessors. They are assigned to another job before the results of their work become evident. Subordinates cannot be expected to remain committed to a job and perform effectively when they are continuously adapting to a new job or to a new boss.

When doing a job – any job – one must feel that he owns it, and act as though he will remain in that job forever. He must look after his work just as conscientiously as though it were his own business and his own money. If he feels he is only a temporary custodian, or that the job is just a stepping stone to a higher position, his actions will not take into account the long-term interests of the organization. His lack of commitment to the present job will be perceived by those who work for him, and they, likewise, will tend not to care. Too many spend their entire working lives looking for the next job. When one feels he owns his present job and acts that way, he need have no concern about his next job.

In accepting responsibility for a job, a person must get directly involved. Every manager has a personal responsibility not only to find problems but to correct them. This responsibility comes before all other obligations, before personal ambition or comfort.

A major flaw in our system of government, and even in industry, is the latitude allowed to do less than is necessary. Too often officials are willing to accept and adapt to situations they know to be wrong. The tendency is to down-play problems instead of actively trying to correct them. Recognizing this, many subordinates give up, contain their views within themselves, and wait for others to take action. When this happens, the manager is deprived of the experience and ideas of subordinates who generally are more knowledgeable than he in their particular areas.

A manager must instill in his people an attitude of personal responsibility for seeing a job properly accomplished. Unfortunately, this seems to be declining, particularly in large organizations where responsibility is broadly distributed. To complaints of a job poorly done, one often hears the excuse “I am not responsible.” I believe that is literally correct. The man who takes such a stand in fact is not responsible; he is irresponsible. While he may not be legally liable, or the work may not have been specifically assigned to him, no one involved in a job can divest himself of responsibility for its successful completion.

Unless the individual truly responsible can be identified when something goes wrong, no one has really been responsible. With the advent of modern management theories it is becoming common for organizations to deal with problems in a collective manner, by dividing programs into subprograms, with no one left responsible for the entire effort. There is also the tendency to establish more and more levels of management, on the theory that this gives better control. These are but different forms of shared responsibility, which easily lead to no one being responsible — a problem that often inheres in large corporations as well as in the Defense Department.

When I came to Washington before World War II to head the electrical section of the Bureau of Ships, I found that one man was in charge of design, another of production, a third handled maintenance, while a fourth dealt with fiscal matters. The entire bureau operated that way. It didn’t make sense to me. Design problems showed up in production, production errors showed up in maintenance, and financial matters reached into all areas. I changed the system. I made one responsible for his entire area of equipment – for design, production, maintenance, and contracting. If anything went wrong, I knew exactly at whom to point. I run my present organization on the same principle.

A good manager must have an unshakable determination and tenacity. Deciding what needs to be done is easy, getting it done is more difficult. Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous impatience. Once implemented they can be easily overturned or subverted through apathy or lack of follow-up, so a continuous effort is required. Too often, important problems are recognized but no one is willing to sustain the effort needed to solve them.

Nothing worthwhile can be accomplished without determination. In the early days of nuclear power, for example, getting approval to build the first nuclear submarine – the Nautilus – was almost as difficult as designing and building it. Many in the Navy opposed building a nuclear submarine.

In the same way, the Navy once viewed nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and cruisers as too expensive, despite their obvious advantages of unlimited cruising range and ability to remain at sea without vulnerable support ships. Yet today our nuclear submarine fleet is widely recognized as our nation’s most effective deterrent to nuclear war. Our nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and cruisers have proven their worth by defending our interests all over the world – even in remote trouble spots such as the Indian Ocean, where the capability of oil-fired ships would be severely limited by their dependence on fuel supplies.

The man in charge must concern himself with details. If he does not consider them important, neither will his subordinates. Yet “the devil is in the details.” It is hard and monotonous to pay attention to seemingly minor matters. In my work I probably spend about 99 percent of my time on what others may call petty details. Most managers would rather focus on lofty policy matters. But when the details are ignored, the project fails. No infusion of policy or lofty ideals can then correct the situation.

To maintain proper control one must have simple and direct means to find out what is going on. There are many ways of doing this; all involve constant drudgery. For this reason those in charge often create “management information systems” designed to extract from the operation the details a busy executive needs to know. Often the process is carried too far. The top official then loses touch with his people and with the work that is actually going on.

Attention to detail does not require a manager to do everything himself. No one can work more than 24 hours each day. Therefore, to multiply his efforts, he must create an environment where his subordinates can work to their maximum ability. Some management experts advocate strict limits to the number of people reporting to a common superior – generally five to seven. But if one has capable people who require but a few moments of his time during the day, there is no reason to set such arbitrary constraints. Some 40 key people report frequently and directly to me. This enables me to keep up with what is going on and makes it possible for them to get fast action. The latter aspect is particularly important. Capable people will not work for long where they cannot get prompt decisions and actions from their superior.

I require frequent reports, both oral and written, from many key people in the nuclear program. These include the commanding officers of our nuclear ships, those in charge of our schools and laboratories, and representatives at manufacturers’ plants and commercial shipyards. I insist they report the problems they have found directly to me – and in plain English. This provides them unlimited flexibility in subject matter – something that often is not accommodated in highly structured management systems – and a way to communicate their problems and recommendations to me without having them filtered through others. The Defense Department, with its excessive layers of management, suffers because those at the top who make the decisions are generally isolated from their subordinates, who have the firsthand knowledge.

To do a job effectively, one must set priorities. Too many people let their “in” basket set the priorities. On any given day, unimportant but interesting trivia pass through an office; one must not permit these to monopolize his time. The human tendency is to while away time with unimportant matters that do not require mental effort or energy. Since they can be easily resolved, they give a false sense of accomplishment. The manager must exert self-discipline to ensure that his energy is focused where it is truly needed.

All work should be checked through an independent and impartial review. In engineering and manufacturing, industry spends large sums on quality control. But the concept of impartial reviews and oversight is important in other areas also. Even the most dedicated individual makes mistakes – and many workers are less than dedicated. I have seen much poor work and sheer nonsense generated in government and in industry because it was not checked properly.

One must create the ability in his staff to generate clear, forceful arguments for opposing viewpoints is well as for their own. Open discussions and disagreements must be encouraged, so that all sides of an issue will be fully explored. Further, important issues should be presented in writing. Nothing so sharpens the thought process as writing down one’s arguments. Weaknesses overlooked in oral discussion become painfully obvious on the written page.

When important decisions are not documented, one becomes dependent on individual memory, which is quickly lost as people leave or move to other jobs. In my work, it is important to be able to go back a number of years to determine the facts that were considered in arriving at a decision. This makes it easier to resolve new problems by putting them into proper perspective. It also minimizes the risk of repeating past mistakes. Moreover, if important communications and actions are not documented clearly, one can never be sure they were understood or even executed.

It is a human inclination to hope things will work out, despite evidence or doubt to the contrary. A successful manager must resist this temptation. This is particularly hard if one has invested much time and energy on a project and thus has come to feel possessive about it. Although it is not easy to admit what a person once thought correct now appears to be wrong, one must discipline himself to face the facts objectively and make the necessary changes – regardless of the consequences to himself. The man in charge must personally set the example in this respect. He must be able, in effect, to “kill his own child” if necessary and must require his subordinates to do likewise. I have had to go to Congress and, because of technical problems, recommend terminating a project that had been funded largely on my say-so. It is not a pleasant task, but one must be brutally objective in his work.

No management system can substitute for hard work. A manager who does not work hard or devote extra effort cannot expect his people to do so. He must set the example. The manager may not be the smartest or most knowledgeable person, but if he dedicates himself to the job and devotes the required effort, his people will follow his lead.

The ideas I have mentioned are not new – previous generations recognized the value of hard work, attention to detail, personal responsibility, and determination. And these, rather than the highly touted modern management techniques, are still the qualities most important in doing a job. Together they embody a common sense approach to management, one that cannot be taught by professors of management in a classroom.

I am not against business education. A knowledge of accounting, finance, business law, and the like can be of value in a business environment. What I do believe is harmful is the impression often created by those who teach management that one will be able to manage any job simply by applying certain management techniques together with some simple academic rules of how to manage people and situations.

There is concern today over the apparent decline in U.S. productivity. In searching for its causes we should not overlook the impact of the many professional administrators who run large corporations. Though trained in management at our leading universities, they are often unskilled in the technical aspects of the company. As a result they manage largely in the terms they learned at school. Technical, operational, and production issues are quickly reduced to issues of numbers and dollars, upon which these administrators apply their management techniques. Although in this way they may achieve financial benefits, an overemphasis on short-term profits often ignores broader issues such as efficient production or planning for the future. How can they act otherwise, when they have knowledge only of management theories learned in school?

Universities must accept their share of the blame for this situation. They have played a key role in promoting so-called management science, often at the expense of more substantive topics such as engineering. If students are the country’s future, how can we justify this waste of their talent?

The students of today attend college, as I did over 50 years ago, to lay the groundwork for the expertise they will develop only after years of experience in their field. It is the obligation of Columbia University, as it is of all colleges, to seek to provide them a sound basis upon which to build their careers – one that is realistic and practical. We would be far better off graduating fewer technically capable young men with realistic ideas of what it actually takes to do their work, than to graduate a larger number highly skilled in the techniques of so-called management yet incapable of doing a job.

생각하는 방법


사업자가 광고를 내고 싶은데 방송, 신문에 대문짝만한 광고는 부담스럽다 보니 포털로 몰리기 시작했고 이 것을 토대로 포털사가 급속한 성장을 이뤘다.  사용자 클릭 패턴으로 유추하건데 상위 랭킹에서 노출되는 것이 클릭 유발에 가장 큰 요인이였다.  하지만 포털사의 강력한 영향력을 파악한 사업자들이 점점 늘어남에 따라 포털 광고의 비용조차 부담스러워지기 시작했다 (여전히 방송 광고에 비하면 싼 축에 속하지만). 네이버 첫화면에 배너광고 내자니 비싸고, 검색화면 상단 노출되는 프리미어 링크도 비싸고 , 쇼핑박스도 비싸는 등 어느 하나도 값이 만만치 않게 되었고 검색 키워드 최적화 마케팅이란 기법을 누가 들고 왔지만 이 역시 고생스럽고 효과 또한 의심스럽다.

이러한 상황을 아무도 해결하지 못한 상황에서 구글은 문맥상 광고가 노출되는 AdSense를 소개했다. 그러나 이 역시 ranking 매기는 방식의 차이일뿐, 기존 포털의 랭킹 논리에서 크게 다르지 않았기 때문에 결국 영세업자들은 포털 광고를 꿰차지 못한채 점점 밀려나게 되었다. 이런 약한자의 설움을 해결하고자 LBS 즉, location based service가 하나 둘씩 언급되기 시작했고 LBS의 당연히 location을 알려주는 즉, 지도 서비스였다. 하지만 대부분의 지도 서비스는 가격대비 효용을 따져봤을 때 abysmal failure였다.

이러한 상황을 (또 다시 한번) 해결하고자 나선 것이 티몬을 비롯한 그루폰 모델이다. 이들은 박리다매라는 논리를 통해 (그 동안 포털에서 밀려 제 목소리 못내던) 영세업자들에게 숨쉴 공간을 터줬다. 예측컨데 지금 현재 강남, 강북, 부산으로 운영되던 티몬이 좀 더 활성화 되면 세분화 되어 청담동, 압구정식으로 나뉠 것이고 좀 더 잘되면 (압구정 예를 들자면) 압구정 역주변, 로데오 거리 등등으로 세분화될 것이다. 그러다 보면 어느새 포털이 수년전 돈 때려박으면서 만들고자 했던 지도 서비스를 완성하게 될 것이다.  즉, 정작 노력 많이 들인 지도 서비스는 별 성과 없었는데 예상치 못한 곳에서 진화하다보니 voila! 어느덧 지도가 완성 되는 것이다.

여기서 얻어야 할 교훈을 찾고자 하면,

  • 지도 서비스는 너무 앞서간 서비스였던 것이다.  우선은 volume을 크게 확보한 후 차차 세분화 시키는 과정을 거쳐가야 했는데 첨부터 너무 조밀하고 연속적인 서비스를 만들려고 했다. 이는 비전이 실행을 앞서간 경우에 해당된다.
  • volume-based 장사의 논리 즉, 박리다매는 카네기가 철강 팔던 시절 아니, 영국과 스페인이 열심히 선단 띄우면서 무역하던 시절부터 적용된 논리이다.  앞으로 계속 적용될 것인가? 나의 추측은 yes, it will. 물론 구글처럼 롱테일 성공 사례는 나오겠지만 그래도 박리다매가 일단 짱이라능.
  • 서비스의 규모를 키우기 전에 우선 직접적으로 매출이 날 수 있는지 여부부터 파악해야 했다. 매출 없는 상황에서 먼저 밑그림 깔아주는 행위 (예: 지도)는 자살 행위.

[poem] The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot

Mistah Kurtz—he dead.

      A penny for the Old Guy


We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
Remember us—if at all—not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.


Eyes I dare not meet in dreams
In death’s dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind’s singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.

Let me be no nearer
In death’s dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat’s coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer—

Not that final meeting
In the twilight kingdom


This is the dead land
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man’s hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.

Is it like this
In death’s other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.


The eyes are not here
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms

In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river

Sightless, unless
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death’s twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.


Here we go round the prickly pear
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o’clock in the morning.

Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
                                For Thine is the Kingdom

Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow
                                Life is very long

Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
                                For Thine is the Kingdom

For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.